My experience with and Nuera EMR by Erasoft Infotech
This particular site is one of amongst sites on internet who are providing doctors listings, hospital listings. I've used two or three of them and tried to navigate through few more.
I'm in no position to say that this particular site is best but definitely it is quite easy to operate so my staff learnt it very quickly, My receptionist keep it open on her mobile while another one on desktop at my hospital reception.
Their doctor's booking schedular and appoitment is indeed unique and for this I can say it is the best, as I can manage my all practices well, and it cordinates well with their EMR named NuEra EMR as well as with Hospital Management System called NuEra HMS which is deployed in my hospital.
It amazingly does appointment management and queue management so well that when an appointment is booked for me from doctor listing, That appointment it is reflected in hospital management system (NuEra HMS) of my hospital named Angel Hospital, as well as in my EMR. If appointment is booked for another pracitce it is reflected in their booked appointment log (HMS is not deployed in their hospital) even then they can see appointments by login to their site.
Amazyingly if some patient books or for instance receptionist at hospital books appointment at their hospital by login to their hospital login, appointment is reflected in my log, as well as my EMR.
I (in my case my receptionist) can directly add that booked appointment in my patient list and add visit and then fills vitals like weight and BP while patient is in waiting and I write prescription on EMR which require only clicks.
This doctor prescription writing software does not require master entries and If I write some new drug it spontaneously detect it as new and enters in Drug masters which is then available next time along with doses and instructions associated with them. Similarly it auto populate complaints/investigations/observations and many masters.
This gives me three different panel for Obstetrics & Gynecologist version, which include 1. Antenatal, 2. General Prescription, 3. Infertility or Subfertility. All three prescription modes are well thought and designed.
I was approached by team Nuera / Erasoft Infotech for any suggestions, I could hardly provide any but want to thank them by writing this blog.
I will give them full marks for what they have done.
May all success be theirs.
Dr. Rohita Agrawal MS (O & G)
Contact nueradr team for any suggestiongs or query.